The team of association Global Union for innovations , development and education was invited to attend the international conference , under the auspices of UNESCO in cooperation with the Geneva spiritual appeal "Which values unites" held on 11 March 2016 . Those attending delegates was greeted by the President of Republic Bulgaria Mr Rosen Plevneliev , prime minister of Bulgaria Mr Boyko Borisov , President of the National Assembly of Bulgaria Tsetska Tsacheva , Director-General of UNESCO Ms I...
Author: Georgi Tsochev
Circular economy and the ability for Bulgarian business

On 23 February 2016 y. in The Home of Europe a conference were held on "Circular economy and the ability for Bulgarian business ". In the event participated The minister of Environment and Water Ivelina Vassileva, The Minister of the economy Bozhidar Lucarsky and The European deputy Eva Paunova (MEP),who was the organizer of the event. Many representatives of the business took part and were active during the discussion.
The Minister Vassileva presented long-term framework of actions initiated b...

Представители на сдружение „Глобално обединение за иновации, развитие и образование“ взеха участие в публичната дискусия „Мениджмънт и лидерство в конгресната индустрия: френският опит с Пабло Накле-Черути“.
Изпълнителният директор на групата VIPARIS, обединяваща 10-те най-големи конгресни и изложбени центрове в Париж, Пабло Накле-Черути дойде в България по покана на директора на Националния дворец на културата (НДК) Мирослав Боршош. (more…)